Sunday 10 June 2012

Packing (dry run) and in need of a wii

Today we had the joy of doing a "dry run" of packing the roof box and the car with what the 3 of us are planning to take with us when we start our journey to Bled later this month.

Things started off smoothly with me putting things into the roof box but then Gemma got bleeped and had to go into work for a while (at least this is the last time she will be on call for a year), which left me doing the work and cursing when the roof box wouldn't lock. As luck would have it (more commonly known as Sod's Law) as soon as Gemma got back the darn thing locked again which resulted in the wife not believing I had done anything in the hour  that she was out. Well I had played on the PC for  a while but she doesn't need to know that!!.

We soon had a load of stuff packed and then the last part of the party turned up (Vicki) who had a shed load of stuff in her car (including a HUGE box of teabags) that we had to try and fit in. But in the end brute force (me) and ignorance (me again) we got it all in the rood box and the boot of the car.

We then decided that it might be best if we got a couple of boxes shipped so that we could have the winter stuff such as coats, blankets, thermals, etc. that we would need later in the year/early next year as we had neglected to pack them. Fortunately, Vicki knew of a company that should be able to do this reasonably cheaply and I will get them sorted out next week.

At this point we had been going for a while and I thought we needed a break, at which point Vicki suggested she needed a wii. The comment at "the toilets at the top of the stairs and take a right" didn't go down too well, but then when you are desparate you just want to go.

We trawled (not trolled) the internetworking super highway and apparently Vicki wanted a large package and she was happy with the choice she made. This will be delivered soon so she can play with it before we go!

All in all a good and productive day but now we have to unpack the 38 t-shirts that I want to take that I squeezed into the suitcase along with the 3 pairs of trousers, 2 pairs of pants and 4 (2 pairs) of socks. Gemma thinks I have overpacked on the t-shirts whilst I think I have overdone the others as you can never have enough t-shirts.

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