Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Paying the rent

I think we can safely say that we definitely be off to Lake Bled, as yesterday I transferred the balance of the rent due for the apartment. This didn't go without any hitches as depsite having done 2 previous international money transfers Santander decided to be annoying about it when I called them up to arrange it.

As normal when you call a bank they ask you a series of "security" questions, well according to the bank I got one or more of these wrong as apparently I might not know either my full name, the full name of my wife, whether we have a joint account, my birthdate (well I am getting older so I might have forgotten this one!!), home telephone number, a direct debit payment or the amount recently taken out of an ATM.

Despite speaking to a superviser there was "nothing they could do as I had answered one or more questions incorrectly". However, the did say that I could call back and try again but they could not do anything during that call.

Thought "stuff that" and went to plan B (no not the musician) and went to my local branch where the previous week they were unable to do the transfer as the code was apparently incorrect despite my saying that the start of the code was SI for Slovenia and not SL, S1 or SK which they had been trying. On this occasion, they managed to get it correct straight away (with a little assistance from me on the coding) and thus the money has been sent, which means we can now start our journey knowing that the apartment is fully paid for. YIPPEE!!

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