Starting at the beginning, we had to get the 7.30am train from Lesce Bled to Zagreb to give us a chance to see the capital of Croatia, and getting up was rather painful after a month of not having to set an alarm clock! Dad told me when he and Mum went on their trip he threw the alarm clock into the Channel as they crossed on the ferry, unfortunately I didn't have the sense to do this (and it might have been tricky on the eurostar!), so we still had it to bleep at us at 5.30am. It was a strange experience joining all the backpackers on the train, I feel a bit old to be a "backpacker" but apart from staying in slightly nicer places this is what we are doing!
The next morning we had another early start to catch the train to Sarajevo. A nine hour trip from Zagreb, and only slightly faster I think, than the Victorians travelled on the steam trains. The train was old and decreipt, the toilet digusting and they seemed to feel the need to stop at every other hay stack on the way there - not my idea of Intercity! The only vehicle we over took was a tractor! The worse thing is they haven't banned smoking on them yet. The Bosnians try to be polite and not smoke in the individual compartments, which means they smoke in the corridor and unless you keep the compartment door closed (and then it is extremely hot) you have to deal with the smoke of several of them. There is no refreshment car on their trains, so we stocked up with breakfast and lunch and plenty to drink before getting on each time. What fun!
Of course, although we explored the city we also found time to try the local Sarajevoski beer and for Richard to watch Bradley Wiggins win gold in the cycling.
On Thursday we were on the train again to Mostar. The website Seat 61 said this was meant to be the most beautiful train trip in the world - better than the ride to Machu Picchu. Unfortunately, I couldn't confirm that on the way down as one window was so badly scratched and clouded that we couldn't see anything and the other side had a traveller in an orange shirt blocking the scene! We arrived in Mostar late morning and it was already incredibly hot.
We also had a look at the Frontline, where the Bosnians and Serbs shelled each other and there are still several very damaged buildings.
The next day we travelled by train back to Zagreb - and I can confirm that the section between Mostar and Sarajevo is very beautiful, I got to see out of both windows! It switch-backs through the mountains and through dozens of tunnels, I get the feeling they don't really like to build their railways in straight lines!
2 viaducts we travelled over in the train |
The train journey ended up being 13 hours! It was delayed... It was hot and unpleasant but the company was good :-)
One more night in Zagreb before the short train ride back to Bled, and I was very happy to be back. The lake looked even more beautiful than before and the view from our apartment gets better each time I look at it - and we got to sleep in!
I would definitely recommend Sarajevo and Mostar, but fly to Sarajevo, enjoy the city and it's wonderful eastern feel and then take the train to Mostar. These beautiful places deserve visiting but you might want to avoid August as it is a little on the hot side.
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